Friday, December 17, 2010

Wait, there are words, I have opinions on this

The rubberbandits

They deserve respect, their song 'Horse Outside' is funny and catchy and is very successful on Youtube.

It was filmed in Limerick (Milford, Castletroy I know because I saw them at it, and I also know that they went to Java's for pints afterwards)
It features Limerick people

And importantly it provides a social commentary on the situation in Limerick.

Areas in Limerick are the more deprived part of this little nation and have been since 1991!!! Thats coming up on 20 years! (and bear in mind we had a feck load of money floating around for a good 10 years during the boom so you cant say its because we are poor that this was allowed to happen)
Limerick is the most illiterate area in the state.

It was very convenient for the powers that be to turn a blind eye to the injustices in the city, and for the media to portray Limerick as this terrible case that people should avoid for your safety.

Rubberbandits are reflecting these issues back onto the media and doing so with humor and some really classy dancing

The Irish Times have a glowing ">article about them today

And this clip is from Wednesdays RTE radio1 Liveline

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