Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Fountainhead

This Summer I finally got around to reading, and watching, Ayn Rand's 'The Fountainhead'.
The story of an idealistic architect, striving to create beautiful functional modern buildings is admirable. As for the two main characters, well they are less than sympathetic.
Howard Roark, strong willed idealist, uncompromising, and in the whole determined. Over the course of the novel he stays the same, which is fair enough, that is the nature of his character. I just don't think it makes for a very interesting character.

As for Dominique Francon, it is great to see an idealistic and intellectual woman, but she is also clearly mentally ill. She is not a stable character. If she weren't so pretty she would have been locked up!

Her relationship with Roark is terribly dysfunctional on so many levels, to the point that I found it uncomfortable to witness.
The saving grace for in the story is Gail Wynand, a complex character who is the heart as soul of the story.

Although the characters often left me cold, I do appreciate that they are merely a vehicle for the very important issues that Rand wants to address. She critiques capitalism, freedom, wealth, and of course objectivism. There are some big architectural ideas addressed also; authorship, integrity, style and content.

The film is beautifully shot and the sets and costumes are something to behold. The screenplay was also written by Rand and so is very true to the novel.

Overall I would have to recommend 'The Fountainhead' but it is a qualified recommendation.

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