Thursday, September 30, 2010

Super song Thursday!!

These guys should be much more famous than they are!

Despite being from Waterford they seem to be able to pronounce their 'th's properly and they do not puncuate every sentance with 'girl' or 'boi'. They are actually really talented and perform some beautifully melodic and sweet sounding music.

They are so good infact, that today the Irish Times has published an article in praise of them.

Here's to the rise and rise of 'O Emperor'!!

Its fecking freezing!!

Apparently it is now winter, a bit early I know but yesterday was defiantly cold and today is just as bad.

Maybe in about 8 months things will warm up again.

Caffreys Confectionery

During the week I published a post gushing about the wonders of Wilton Macaroon bars and Mint crisps.

In the interest of fairness I would now like to highlight another small independent confectionery company here in Ireland. Caffreys chocolates have been with us since the 1930s.

By far their most established product is the Snowball, a soft gooey sugar centre covered in a thin layer of chocolate and then rolled in desiccated coconut.
Yum, perfect with a biter cup of coffee.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The good old days

They just don't make stuff like they used to.
These 'vintage' images are cute and quaint but they also convey a message of integrity in the doing and making of things.

A part of me wants to embrace a craft revolution. 
My left side Brian tells me that crafts are just the remains of a dying notion and that in the face of mass industrialisation and the inherent waste society that is required to feed that industry, there is no room for hand made craft and care.

I met the walrus

Old Ladies and Hells Angles

These photos are just beautiful.
They date from 1965 (Madmen Season 4!) and are previously unpublished.

The images are accompanied with some really insightful text, particularly in relation to the women who rode with the Hells Angles.

I particularly like the description that accompanied this image. 'a group of women hang out in a bar while the bikers gather in a separate room. “the men weer having a business meeting and women were defiantly not invited there. I remember too that many of them surprisingly young, teenagers or early twenties. They didn't look young though. Riding around in the back of a Harley at hundred miles an hour in all sorts of weather will age you I guess"


There are no words for me to say.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

'A Wilton Product'

Today was a good day.

Today, not only did I enjoy a Macaroon Bar, but I also indulged in a Klipso bar. It was good, very very good.

Unfortunately they no longer cost 10p but the still taste as good as they did back in the 90s.

For those of you unfamiliar with Macaroon Bars of Mint Crisps I recommend you get yourself acquainted with them here.
Or if you are in the Limerick area, they are available in the ULSU spar here in the University of Limerick.

Ummm.. tasty tasty, and for the princely sum of 30c a bar.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I like..



Dancy Dancy

.. Sharp intake of breath

I just say this image over on 'The Sartorialist', its beautiful. its simple, I love it.
If ever a time comes when I am not chained to my studies (i had forgotten how this whole architecture study things works), then I'm going to make an over sized jersey shift dress and try to re-create it.

Love the cardi too,

Friday, September 24, 2010

A day for a revolution!

I spent a large chunk of my day being angry with my country, angry with my political representation and angry with my generation. I would rant about it but no one wants to hear it!

So instead of doing anything productive I watched 'Network' again.

I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blogs are like buses

Blogs are like buses in that college work prevents you form using either and you're left in studio drawing (click, click, click)

So sorry about that.

Listen to this its great

FREE haircuts

As part of Cork's Midsummer festival the good people of the city were offered FREE haircuts. The styling was done by a selection of youngsters.
If only I had known I would totally love to have gotten my hair 'did'!

Stop what you're doing and look at this!

Ok, I know I am a few months old with this but, it's still fantasic!!

Do the DANCE (burlesque style)

Burlesque medley of Justice's song piano cover.

I wish I'd thought of that

Dictaphone Parcel from Lauri Warsta on Vimeo.

Its such a simple idea and it tells such an iteresting story!
Dictaphone Parcel from Lauri Warsta on Vimeo.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The leader of the pack

Inis Meain

As I mentioned in my previous post, #I spend a large chunk of this past week on Inishmaan. I could talk about the urban nature of the island, with its intricacy of stone walls and density of built fabric. But I wont!

Instead I want to tell you about the wonderful creations being produced by Inis Meain Knitwear.
All garments are made individually on site using traditional Aran stitches.

When the world was better

My sincere apologies for no posting, I was stranded on a rock of limestone in the Atlantic ocean.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Fountainhead

This Summer I finally got around to reading, and watching, Ayn Rand's 'The Fountainhead'.
The story of an idealistic architect, striving to create beautiful functional modern buildings is admirable. As for the two main characters, well they are less than sympathetic.
Howard Roark, strong willed idealist, uncompromising, and in the whole determined. Over the course of the novel he stays the same, which is fair enough, that is the nature of his character. I just don't think it makes for a very interesting character.

As for Dominique Francon, it is great to see an idealistic and intellectual woman, but she is also clearly mentally ill. She is not a stable character. If she weren't so pretty she would have been locked up!

Her relationship with Roark is terribly dysfunctional on so many levels, to the point that I found it uncomfortable to witness.
The saving grace for in the story is Gail Wynand, a complex character who is the heart as soul of the story.

Although the characters often left me cold, I do appreciate that they are merely a vehicle for the very important issues that Rand wants to address. She critiques capitalism, freedom, wealth, and of course objectivism. There are some big architectural ideas addressed also; authorship, integrity, style and content.

The film is beautifully shot and the sets and costumes are something to behold. The screenplay was also written by Rand and so is very true to the novel.

Overall I would have to recommend 'The Fountainhead' but it is a qualified recommendation.

Essential Sunday Morning Listening

Bitstream - Crab Nebula
Trust me its very calm and perfect for  Sunday morning.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Funkadelic - Can you get to that

funcadelic - can you get to that

Sketching Style

These images come from "Fashion Designers' Sketchbooks" by Hywel Davies.
As well as a series of images the book explains the importance of sketchbooks in the design process. Sketchbooks are companions that capture and facilitate research, support design development and communicate new ideas.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Raising of Chicago

I love when the Internet educates me about things. Today I learned about the 'Raising of Chicago', which happened in the 1850's. This marvelious set of illustrations from Chicago magazine.

Fine dining captured by The Selby

I love the look and feel of these images from Salties Diner in Brooklyn
The full set of images can be seen over on the selby website


Now theres an image you doing see every day.
Not a comedy, but a crime/thriller/drama which sees Sean Penn play a retired rock star who goes on a journey to avenge his fathers torture in Auschwitz at the hands of Nazis.

Really really strange...

Cheery Cheery Song

Are you in a bad mood? Could feel better?
Well cheer the fuck up cause its the weekend and this song is brilliant!!

It'll put a pep in your step and a smile on your face!
Gold Panda - Snow & Taxis

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Aran Revival

Ah the cable knit jumper , a staple for tourists visiting Ireland and The Clancy Brothers (below)

The Aran jumper is making a comeback this season. It has been features on the runways of Marc Jacobs, Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger. It has even made its way to the high street with Topshop (below)

Ólafur Arnalds - Ljósið

There are several reasons why this video is beautiful... sigh

Something for the weekend

If only i were going to electric picnic!!
A fortnate friend of mine who is going shared this link with me, Clashfinder general, just select the artistsyou are interested in and it will arrange your day and tell ou what clashes

Oh the line up is so very very GOOD


Tidying out my computer for the new term I came across these images, I cannot remember where they are from, possibly Etsy, possubly FFFOUND.