Friday, December 31, 2010


I came across this mini documentary made by Motherboard, looking at the workings of t-shirt company threadless.

I had no idea it was a community based thing, I thought it was just really great t-shirts.

Speaking of, i love this t-shirt design

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Look at this, its the most amazing thing in the world ever...

I did not know that Sharpie had a blog, but they do and it is fascinating!! Look at all the lovely things you can do with these markers!!
Its like art attack on the internet, actually after this I think I'm going to see if art attach are on the internet.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why you should keep your pitches simple

Christmas Clothes for Raging Bull

Modica's Charging Bull sculpture was this Christmas decked with a hand crafted knit coat by renegade knitter Agata Oleka.

Unfortunately it was removed by authorities within 2 hours.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Christmas

I like this

Sigh, this is the type of detail drawing I would love to draw.

Noero Wolff Architects. Section sketch for Red Location Museum of Struggle. 
Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 1998-2005 Foto: Jo Noero, Noero Wolff Architects

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Phil Ashcroft

I love these paintings by Phil Ashcroft, I saw them first on FFFound and had to look them up

“Combining influences from abstract expressionism, British landscape painting, Japanese woodcuts, and graphic street art, Ashcroft integrates varied visual styles to generate a crossover between space, object and environment.”

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My favourite festive past time


Some of my absolute favourite free knitting patterns are available here at vintage purls

Last Christmas I knit up this lovely cardi in four ply. It took ages but is totally worth it.

Its just so funny!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Wait, there are words, I have opinions on this

The rubberbandits

They deserve respect, their song 'Horse Outside' is funny and catchy and is very successful on Youtube.

It was filmed in Limerick (Milford, Castletroy I know because I saw them at it, and I also know that they went to Java's for pints afterwards)
It features Limerick people

And importantly it provides a social commentary on the situation in Limerick.

Areas in Limerick are the more deprived part of this little nation and have been since 1991!!! Thats coming up on 20 years! (and bear in mind we had a feck load of money floating around for a good 10 years during the boom so you cant say its because we are poor that this was allowed to happen)
Limerick is the most illiterate area in the state.

It was very convenient for the powers that be to turn a blind eye to the injustices in the city, and for the media to portray Limerick as this terrible case that people should avoid for your safety.

Rubberbandits are reflecting these issues back onto the media and doing so with humor and some really classy dancing

The Irish Times have a glowing ">article about them today

And this clip is from Wednesdays RTE radio1 Liveline

Happy Christmas

I love Sufjan

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ah old age

Courtesy of

Boozy Christmas

Feel like a festive tipple - well the New York Times will suppl you with recipies

Podcast Radio

Podcast Radio, like pirate radio but you don't have to deal with the high seas (tee hee hee, I know I crack myself up)
And importantly your not breaking licencing laws

So yeah have a listen to this lovely podcast from Seamus and his new friends at 'mouse never sleeps'

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I freaking love Cathy Davey, she is super amazing live, she can be mello, she can be manic, she can be anything!!!
When I grow up I want to be Cathy Davey.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Always carry a towel

I came across this teatowl over on Double Merrick

"Inspired by vintage matchbook art, this loud, proud teatowel sends a powerful message"

Friday, November 19, 2010

Pirate Radio

Was pleasantly surprised with this Raheen based radio station!
I tuned in on a Thursday night from 8 til 10 and heard some quality tunes

Architect t-shirts

I have been nerding it up recently, but still delight in wasting my time on the Internet, and in this vein I found these architecture tshirts

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The rise and rise of Japanese popstars

I have loved this song for ages, i had kind of forgotten it tho until i learned that A.S.I.W.Y.F.A are northern
Japanese Popstars are also Northern Irish.
And fantasticly talented

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Do the monster map

From a series i came across in the Guardian

A map of the USA with each state depicting its own monster

Sunday, November 14, 2010

And now for something completely different...


I love JAPE, specifically I love Richie Egan.
When I aw his name on the bill for a gig in Limerick I was delighted and off I went.

Imagine my surprise when Jape was the first act up! And yes he was brilliant, 'I was a man' was spine tingling.

Up next was Fionn Regan, just him, his guitar and harmonica. I knew none of his songs but they were all beautiful, but completely different to Jape

And finally 'And so I watch you from afar' who broke me ears (in a really good way) playing instrumental death metal.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Page 99

JUDGING A book by its cover may not be a good idea, but judging it by its 99th page could make perfect sense. According to the novelist Ford Madox Ford, author of the 1915 novel The Good Soldier, “open the book to page ninety-nine and the quality of the whole will be revealed to you”.

So give it a go, follow this link!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Loving The Selby

You know the way I love the internet, well I totally love The Selby (even tho I often think of him of deselby, which gives the whole thing a completely warped meaning) and today was taken aback by these set of images from the art instilation of Jason Lowe and Jonah Freeman.

I'm not goint to pretend to understand it but theres something in the texture and mood that speakes to me about the times we fins ourselves in, and I like that.

Die Deutschen macht serh schon House!


Quote of the Day

Friday, November 5, 2010

Desk Crit song

There I was, flicking through blogs and I came across this, on the BLDBLG.

Its a song from 'Crash Cadet', who just so happens to be an archiecutal graduate. The stand out song has to be 'Desk crit' which you can have a listen to on Soundcloud

I'm all about the desk crit today and now I get to listen to a song which is also all about the desk crit!!

A bit of telly

This looks like its going to be great

Where as this looks like its going to be disgusting, and insulting to the genius that was the original.

Dear Colleen Prints

I love finding beautiful things on the internet! I absolutely love the message on this print

There are plenty more where that came from on the Dear Colleen etsy page!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ah ted!

Oh the cutest little teddy bear!!
And very good for the environment, using waste materials and all that sort of thing

Monday, November 1, 2010

ReUsed and ReLoved

I totally love these laptop sleeves from Anne Van Dijk, made from recycled materials. Its ethical, environmental and really beautifully designed!

Your own personal Jesus

Halloween is over and so the christmas season has begun, this is a little gem from last year.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mapping Stereotypes

I recently came across these maps by Yanko Tsvetkov.
There is a whole fantastic series of them that looks at nations varying perceptions.

Its such a clever project, I wish I had thought of it!

Go Check

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Forgotten drawings from fondly remembered places

There I was, looking for a piece of paper to draw on, ideally a while new sketch book, when i came across a long forgotten a4 pad. Imagine my surprise when I discover old drawings from my sojourn in Berlin! Not just any drawings, perspectives of the apartment I lived in. It was like discovering an old friend! I had forgotten what they looked like but ah, the memories came flooding back.

Bit of Bonobo for a Better Day


Parking  - Music and Sound design from Aaron Trinder  Film:Motion:Music on Vimeo.