Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mapping Stereotypes

I recently came across these maps by Yanko Tsvetkov.
There is a whole fantastic series of them that looks at nations varying perceptions.

Its such a clever project, I wish I had thought of it!

Go Check

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Forgotten drawings from fondly remembered places

There I was, looking for a piece of paper to draw on, ideally a while new sketch book, when i came across a long forgotten a4 pad. Imagine my surprise when I discover old drawings from my sojourn in Berlin! Not just any drawings, perspectives of the apartment I lived in. It was like discovering an old friend! I had forgotten what they looked like but ah, the memories came flooding back.

Bit of Bonobo for a Better Day


Parking  - Music and Sound design from Aaron Trinder  Film:Motion:Music on Vimeo.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

A little Lemon Jelly does the heart good

 This is a great song to cheer you up a bit, its simple and pretty and has such an attractive video!


Life sized monolopy house

Freaking hilarious

Simon Pegg is just so funny!

Start again, and be better

Extreme lack of blogging, sorry, college takes over.

I did have an opportunit to do a bit of sewing in the recent past, made myself a pretty hair piece out of old newspaper, netting and sequins.
I had not intended to use old newspaper but I had no glue felt or anything else basically!!

It all worked out ok in the end.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Problem Solved

Ever been indecisive about which type face to use?
You need only ask yourself a few questions...

Friday, October 1, 2010

Moment of calm

Make yourself a cup of tea and have a listen to this. It'll do your soul good.